What have you done (or are you doing) to live boldly and live your life authentically. Today’s guest, Michael Peticolas chose to live his dream to become one of the premier craft beer brewers in the nation.
Michael Peticolas is a fifth-generation Texas trial attorney and owner/operator of Dallas’s Peticolas Brewing Company. After practicing law for a decade, Michael turned to his passion for craft beer. Since 2011, Peticolas Brewing Company has won numerous local and national awards, and is an established craft beer industry leader in Texas.
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S02, Ep 03: Philip Goodrich, Effective Communication with Advanced Technology
Philip Goodrich introduces Claire to Google’s Jamboard, a multi-functional presentation device. Philip demonstrated the large-screen, interactive display live on Coffee With Claire. While it looks like a basic whiteboard, it features handwriting recognition, Google search integration, allows remote collaboration and meshes the best of web capabilities with video conferencing. Look for Jamboard on future Coffee With Claire episodes.
Philip Goodrich is part of the BenQ Jamboard team. His over 20 years’ of IT experience with a wide variety of platforms, applications and systems allows him to relate to his clients and their technology needs. A graduate of Southern Illinois University, he has a wealth of technology and sales experience with HP, Xerox, Sun, StorageTek and XIOtech. Philip is not only an accomplished sales person, he is also a musical performer and actor.
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S02, Ep 06: Sue Moore, Finding Your Side Hustle
Do you have a full-time job that pays the bills? Do wish you could do something else that would fuel a passion while earning extra money? My guest in this episode is Sue Moore who knows all too well what it means to find a “side hustle” to help s sometimes-depleted bank account.
One of the fastest growing segments in the American workforce are side earners–people who keep their regular, full-time job, and then find something to supplement that income with more. This episode covers:
- How to find these opportunities
- What the typical hurdles might be
- Gives you some ideas on how much you can make
- Describes what your daily routine might be like
“Side Hustle Sue” Moore is a “recovering banker” who successfully transitioned from the financial services world into this fast-growing segment of earners. She loves to tell her interesting story and is an inspiration to those who need that push to get started.
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S03, Ep 04: The Modern Wine Merchant, featuring Rashmi Malhotra
According to Marco Jacober, CEO of Life Hacks, the freelance workforce work force is growing three times faster than the traditional workforce, and the majority of work will be contracted by 2027. Couple this with technology bridging the gap between states and countries, and the accessibility of products and services 24/7, and you’ve got a real opportunity to make a side business work for you..and at some point, if you love it enough, make it your full time “side gig” career.
One of the side gigs I have run across lately is in the wine industry. According to Forbes, US wine consumption has grown from a volume consumption of 370 million gallons in 1993 to a current level of over 770 million gallons. In 2017, $40 BILLION dollars was spent in wine sales. That’s a lot of wine!
Like everything else, the wine industry has been impacted by changes in demographics, technology, and budgets. It’s not necessary to travel to France anymore to get high quality French wines. The challenge is, how to get the wines in the hands of the consumers to maximize the quality, minimize the time, and fit into their budget?
The wine world is changing from wholesale to direct sales. The rapid consolidation of grocery, retail and wholesalers is creating a narrower path to market, especially for small wineries and limited production wines. The future opportunity for fine wine producers is to sell direct from the wineries to the consumers. But how do they find those distribution points?
Join me and my next guest, Rashmi Malhotra, as she explains how one of the world’s leading family-owned luxury fine wine companies has taken their 56 years of winery experience, leveraged education, technology and their vision for the future, to create a side opportunity like no other. Stay tuned and learn about Boisset wineries, and how they are bringing their quality wines to a home near you!
Post Views: 1,874