Melissa and Claire talk about how NextCareer has helped veterans shape their lives and helped them find new purpose after serving in the military.
Melissa Walker is the President and CEO of NextCareer. A veteran media and human resources professional, Melissa knows how to match talent to enterprises.
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S02, Ep 06: Sue Moore, Finding Your Side Hustle
Do you have a full-time job that pays the bills? Do wish you could do something else that would fuel a passion while earning extra money? My guest in this episode is Sue Moore who knows all too well what it means to find a “side hustle” to help s sometimes-depleted bank account.
One of the fastest growing segments in the American workforce are side earners–people who keep their regular, full-time job, and then find something to supplement that income with more. This episode covers:
- How to find these opportunities
- What the typical hurdles might be
- Gives you some ideas on how much you can make
- Describes what your daily routine might be like
“Side Hustle Sue” Moore is a “recovering banker” who successfully transitioned from the financial services world into this fast-growing segment of earners. She loves to tell her interesting story and is an inspiration to those who need that push to get started.
Post Views: 6,722 -
S05, Ep 01: Are You Good Enough? Featuring Dr. Edward Lewellen
In this day and age we hear so much about people, especially women, feeling like they aren’t good enough, smart enough or pretty enough, among other things. Feelings of not being good enough can impact not only our professional work life, but our personal relationships as well.
Knowing your core identity, and, consequently, your place in the world around you can be life-changing. And it can help give you power you didn’t know you had.
My guest today has helped thousands of people discover their core identity and with it the value in life they have coming to them.
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S05, Ep 03: The Amazing Hidden Industry featuring Elizabeth Smalley
It’s been called the amazing hidden industry because billions of dollars are spent each year on it and the public rarely sees the output.
Just how does the business-to-business trade show industry work and who is behind it all?
Companies doing business with other companies rely on the face-to-face marketing and selling that trade shows offer. In the past year, over $13.2 billion dollars were spent on trade shows in the US alone with projections of 2 percent growth per quarter. A big part of trade shows are the exhibits and displays that companies rely upon.
Our guest today has spent her career building and managing relationships and exhibits around the world. Let’s talk with Elizabeth Smalley about what it takes to be successful and have staying power in the trade show industry.
Post Views: 1,468